
We are proud to have worked with LDA Design on another successful application. On this occasion the proposal was for a large solar PV Farm in Cambridgeshire. This important new renewable energy scheme will cover 88ha. It lies on the claylands west of Cambridge, in a landscape...

In the summer of 2009 a team of archaeologists from Headland Archaeology, commissioned by City of Edinburgh Council, excavated the remains of the post-medieval graveyard associated with South Leith Parish Church in advance of the tram infrastructure construction at Constitution Street. The excavation yielded 302...

We made Culture24's top ten list for June! We are thrilled that our investigations for the Aberdeen Park and Ride at Dyce, on behalf of AECOM for Aberdeen City Council, made the list amongst many other exciting UK discoveries. This project not only garnered the attention of Culture24 but has previously...

Widening Access for Visually Impaired Visitors Free training event, 10th July 2014, Worcestershire Headland Archaeology, in partnership with the Royal National College for the Blind (RNCB), are conducting an exciting, unique and free training event, aimed at those who work or volunteer in the heritage sector. It...

Investigations by Headland Archaeology North on behalf of AECOM for Aberdeen City Council, in advance of the construction of a Park and Ride at Dyce, Aberdeen have unearthed a 4,000 year old story of human occupation and interaction with the landscape of the area. The project,...

We are proud to be working with the Staffordshire Alliance on Network Rail’s £250 million Stafford Area Improvements Programme. The programme will provide improved capacity and performance on the Stafford section of the West Coast main line through the delivery of three key projects – linespeed...

Since opening in 2010 we have already relocated twice to accommodate a larger team. Our team now requires additional office space, warehouse and processing facilities. The latest move sees us move within the beautiful Wrest Park Enterprise Centre, allowing us to keep the lovely surroundings...

We are delighted to announce that we have recently welcomed two new skilled professionals to our consultancy team in Headland Scotland. We are adding to our current team to ensure that we continue to provide both new and established clients with the service that they...

One of our most iconic finds, the Hostage Stone, is off to Denmark where it will be receiving pride of place in The World in the Viking Age, the new exhibition at the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde. The Inchmarnock Project (1999–2004), undertaken on behalf of...

The last few years have seen us consolidate whilst continuing to invest in marketing, technology and training across all our regional offices. Business is booming once again, partly down to our own investment but also as the economy picks up. Looking ahead, we are increasingly...