UNEARTHING THE A14-The archaeological excavations in advance of the construction of the National Highways A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon Improvement Scheme were one of the most complex archaeological projects undertaken in the UK to date. During the works over 280K artefacts were unearthed. Now you can read about...
Headland Archaeology wins Energy Supply Chain Partner of the Year!-Last November, Headland Archaeology took centre stage at the J Murphy & Sons Supply Chain Awards, clinching the esteemed title of Energy Supply Chain Partner of the Year. Its win was a nod to its outstanding archaeological mitigation work on the Norfolk Vanguard Onshore Project...
Spotlight on Tech Services-Headland Archaeology has been developing their Technical Services team in the last few years and have developed a whole suite of services that are now at the field teams fingertips. Every member of the field team has access to their own company iPad where they...