
Being more proactive about training – providing our clients with well-trained and motivated staff Commercial archaeological projects are often high pressure environments requiring multi-disciplinary input. We want to ensure that we match the right people with appropriate skills to the right jobs. Key to the success...

On Saturday 20th April, Headland Archaeology Project Manager, James Newboult will speak at the 2013 CBA South Midlands Bedfordshire Archaeological Review in Toddington, Bedfordshire. James' talk will focus on Headland's recent excavations at Woburn, Bedfordshire. Investigations within the 3.5ha excavation area uncovered the remains of a...

Headland’s discovery of a 19th century mort-safe in West Bromwich has hit the headlines across the West Midlands following its appearance in Grave Trade on the History Channel on Tuesday night. The story has featured on the BBC and ITV websites....

Headland's osteologists Tegan Daly and Jason Murphy will feature in the first episode of the History Channel’s new series about death and burial, 'Grave Trade'. The programme features the excavation by Headland Archaeology of a ‘mort-safe’ at a 19th century Baptist cemetery in West Bromwich....

For the past 3 months, staff from Headland Archaeology's South & East team have been excavating a 3.5ha Romano-British industrial settlement site in advance of the construction of a reservoir in Woburn, Bedfordshire. Evaluative work undertaken by Headland in late 2011 identified that the densely...

Headland is currently in the process of undertaking a post-excavation analysis and publication of a multi-period site excavated by Headland in 2011 as part of the advance archaeological works for the Forth Replacement Crossing. In conjunction with the presentation of the initial results of the...

Staff from the South & East office are beginning a series of projects in London, currently, that includes RAF Uxbridge. At 110 acres, the former RAF Uxbridge is the largest development site in West London, and is in an accessible and sustainable location close to...

Headland on behalf of our client Watkin Jones Group is pleased to invite the general public to join the archaeological team on site at West Tollcross, Fountainbridge, Edinburgh where current excavations are taking place revealing several 19th century industrial buildings. The site will be open...

The pottery assemblage from Headland’s excavations at Jeffrey Street has recently been published in Medieval Ceramics (Franklin 2011).  This publication was outwith the main site publication (Masser, forthcoming, Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports) and was achieved with the help of a publication grant from the Medieval...