Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Our Heritage Consultancy team is second to none and it has considerable experience in delivering the cultural heritage contribution to the Environmental Statement. Our work can be subject to close forensic examination and we leave no stone unturned in delivering a thoroughly robust cultural heritage impact assessment.

Featured Projects

Location: Scotland, Sector: Power Generation/Distribution, Service: Archaeological Clerk of Works, Service: Consultancy, Service: Contracting, Service: EIA, Service: Evaluation, Service: Excavation, Service: Expert Witness, Service: Feasibility Study, Service: Monitoring, Service: Specialist

Whatever the site requirements, we have the skills and multi-disciplinary approach to tailor our assessments to the needs of the client and to guide the client throughout the process.

The company has established a reputation over more than 15 years, working in EIA, for producing reliable assessments that can stand up at inquiry, liaising effectively with other consultees and other specialists as part of project teams,  meeting tight deadlines, and providing consistent support to our clients over the duration of what can often be long-running and complex projects.

Our consultancy team has huge  experience in the field of renewable energy, developed since 2000 on the back of the expansion of wind farm development throughout the UK. To date, we have worked on over 150 wind farms, both on-shore and off-shore. Subsequent developments in the world of renewables has seen us adapt these skills-sets for our work on solar PV, biomass and energy-from-waste developments.

In the wider energy sector, our consultancy team also has experience of dealing with cultural heritage issues across a wide range of development types including, for example, opencast collieries, quarries, housing and master-planning, as well as major infrastructure grid-connection projects, both terrestrial and marine.

Our specialist skills and understanding of the various sectors in which we work mean that much of our work is based on referrals. Whether engaged directly by the developer or working as a sub-consultant to the EIA co-ordinator, we provide our clients with a completely integrated service.

The Consultancy Division is led by Dr Chris Lowe, one of the Directors and founders of the company, who has over 30 years’ experience in the field.  The expert witness team is overseen by our principal consultant, Dr Stephen Carter. Stephen has a substantial portfolio of inquiry work to his name and is widely regarded as one of the leading cultural heritage expert witnesses in the UK. Research and impact assessments are undertaken by a team of experienced heritage professionals, and our network of offices across the UK provides the regional expertise as required for our clients.

Meet our Principal Heritage Consultants

Andy Towle
Stephen Carter
Mike Kimber