18 Jun Julie Franklin
Julie Franklin
Finds and Archiving Manager
Julie has specialised in the analysis and reporting of finds for over 20 years, dealing with site assemblages from southern England to Orkney and Ireland. Her finds reports have been published widely including numerous medieval urban, monastic and castle sites in England and Scotland, such as New Scottish Parliament and Hereford Cathedral.
As well as wide-ranging knowledge of all types of finds, a wide network of contacts and colleagues, she also has practical skills in finds first aid, conservation, storage, recording, illustration and archiving. Julie works closely with the Post-Excavation Manager, finds team, Project Managers and field staff to ensure all finds are recorded appropriately and that they receive any treatment and specialist attention they need.
Julie specialises in the study of medieval and post-medieval pottery and small finds. Her field of expertise encompasses pottery, metalwork, glassware, clay pipes, ceramic building material and other small finds. With her proven written skills, Julie also edits many of Headland’s publications. She also helps co-ordinate and tracks progress on Headland’s many ongoing post-excavation programmes, dealing with project teams in four regional offices, external specialists, and journal editors.