13 Nov Publication of an exceptional pottery assemblage from post-medieval Edinburgh
The pottery assemblage from Headland’s excavations at Jeffrey Street has recently been published in Medieval Ceramics (Franklin 2011). This publication was outwith the main site publication (Masser, forthcoming, Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports) and was achieved with the help of a publication grant from the Medieval Pottery Research Group and the City of Edinburgh Council.
The excavations, on the site of a former tannery to the rear of Edinburgh’s High Street in 2009, revealed a series of refuse deposits within two cellars, backfilled between the 1640s and the 1740s. These provided discrete, well dated and good quality finds assemblages. The quantity and quality of the pottery and glassware allowed a discussion of the functions of the vessels and how this reflected changing drinking and dining habits as Edinburgh stood poised on the brink of the modern industrial age.
The publication is available for purchase from the Medieval Pottery Research Group website.
Franklin, J 2011 ‘Beer jugs, wine bottles and coffee pots – changing ceramic use in post-medieval Edinburgh: The evidence from Jeffrey Street’, Medieval Ceramics 32, pp23–34.
Julie will be speaking about the Jeffrey Street finds assemblage on the Edinburgh, Lothians & Borders Archaeology Conference 10th Anniversary, which will be held Saturday 17th November 2012 in Queen Margaret University, Musselburgh.
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