Our finds specialists are all hugely experienced experts in their fields. We can advise on collection strategies and analyse, interpret and assess the artefacts that are discovered during the excavation process, with confidence and efficiency.
Our finds specialists are all hugely experienced experts in their fields. We can advise on collection strategies and analyse, interpret and assess the artefacts that are discovered during the excavation process, with confidence and efficiency.
Artefacts are a vital class of evidence recovered during the excavation. Their study not only provides a chronological framework, but also adds incredible detail and colour to our understanding of site function and status. Whether they are stone tools or cannon balls, the skill is knowing how to respond to such discoveries, how to treat them, their interpretative value and the methods that will maximise the information they have to offer.
Our in-house specialists provide a rapid, proactive response, assessing the importance of finds and recommending appropriate methodologies. They cover a wide range of areas, including prehistoric pottery, medieval to modern pottery, ceramic building materials, metalwork, glass, clay pipe, lithics and other small finds. We also draw upon an extensive network of trusted associates, all with particular artefactual specialisms. This ensures we can always extract the maximum information from the finds that we recover.
Our specialist services team regularly work for other archaeological contractors both in the field and in post-excavation analyses.