06 Sep Third Don Crossing
Archaeological works in Aberdeen are in full swing
Over the last few weeks a team from Headland Archaeology have been working along the proposed route of the much anticipated new crossing over the River Don in Aberdeen and a nearby Park and Ride on the A96.
The program started with a geophysical survey of the two developments routes last year and along with the current trial trenching we will quickly identify whether there is any archaeology of significance. If buried archaeology is found we will be sitting down with Aberdeen City Council and their archaeological advisors to determine how best to proceed. Preservation in situ is usually the preferred option but excavation might be considered if necessary.
These two projects are exciting initiatives that form part of the Aberdeen City Council’s Local Transport Strategy and Headland Archaeology are proud to continue our involvement building on our reputation for delivering on major infrastructure projects throughout the UK.
The Aberdeen City Council‘s press release on the archaeological works can be viewed here