27 Jan Planning Appeal Success in Cornwall
Headland Archaeology is pleased to announce that another planning appeal, with which we have been involved, has been granted. The proposals, for a 34.2m high wind turbine at New Hartswell Farm, Herodsfoot, Liskeard, Cornwall, initially gave rise to concerns from English Heritage due to the proximity of Bury Down hillfort, a Scheduled Monument. The location of the turbine was revised slightly to minimise these concerns.
Headland’s Jennifer Richards prepared a cultural heritage assessment for these proposals, including assessments of the setting of heritage assets, on behalf of the landowner and Drakes Renewables.
The council did not consider the heritage assets to be a reason for refusal and, although concerns about heritage assets were further raised at the appeal, the Inspector agreed with our assessment that the harm to the significance of the monument through change in its setting would be much less than substantial and concluded that the benefits of this small turbine outweighed any harm. Full details of the Inspector’s Decision can be accessed here.