26 Oct Geophysics on the rise
Since its inception in 2015 the Headland Geophysics department, based in the Headland North office in Leeds, has been on an upward trajectory and is showing no sign of slowing down as we head towards 2019. We have recently secured contracts for four major infrastructure projects within the UK. The total area earmarked for geophysical work is roughly 900 hectares, all of which is scheduled to be completed by the New Year.
Procurement of these projects has been made possible because of our experience successfully completing other large infrastructure projects over the last two years such as the Norfolk Vanguard Offshore Windfarm Cable Corridor and several other 150 plus hectares residential and garden city sites such as Marston Valley in Bedfordshire and Dissington in Northumberland. Key to these successes was the investment in the design and construction of our unique hand carried multi sensor magnetometer frame with GPS locational capability. This instrument, of which we now have three, has greatly increased the quality and quantity of data collected, often under site conditions where cart-based surveys would not be possible, such as established potato and arable crops. This flexibility allows us to carry out surveys year-round minimising any crop damage and ensuring that tight planning deadlines can be achieved.
There is no doubt our geophysical team is one of the best and most experienced in the commercial archaeology sector. Departmental Manager Alistair is a recognised geophysical specialist with over 25 years of archaeological working experience, 15 of which were focussed almost exclusively on geophysical surveys. He is supported by our Project Managers Sam Harrison and David Harrison, both of whom have extensive experience in carrying out, processing and reporting on geophysical surveys, not to mention our three hardworking survey teams. Sam is also highly experienced in specialist geophysics software programs which is essential to a fast turnaround time for reports.
In the three years since we began the department in 2015 we have surveyed over 5000 hectares, and that number is constantly rising. In addition to our geophysics specialism the North office also provides a full contracting service (evaluations, excavation mitigation) so it’s safe to say that we’re keeping busy!