16 Dec Paul Bennett
Paul Bennett
Senior Archaeologist
Paul has been working as an archaeologist for over 13 years and joined Headland in 2019 along with the rest of the RSK archaeology team as a result of our acquisition into the RSK Group. In his role as a senior archaeologist Paul is involved with a wide range of transport infrastructure, energy generation and commercial development projects.
His recent project experience includes the preparation of heritage statements, assessments and all stages of environmental impact assessment. He has worked on major infrastructure schemes such as the New Forth Crossing, HS2 phases 1a and 2b, A47 Dualling, Lincoln Eastern Bypass and the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route. His skills lie in stakeholder consultation and managing heritage projects from scoping and risk assessment through to construction-phase mitigation design. Paul has also worked on heritage asset management plans for half of Highways England’s strategic highways network areas.