03 Feb Charlotte Self
Charlotte Self
Archives Manager
Charlotte joined the Archives team at Headland in 2021 and quickly established herself as an exceptionally capable and knowledgeable archivist, rising rapidly to a management role. She has shaped Archives, from a few part time staff, to one of the largest post-ex departments. She has an authoritative knowledge of archiving procedures and standards, including digital, physical and paper archives, and an in depth knowledge of the relationships between project stakeholders, allowing her to balance their needs with the needs of the archive.
Charlotte provides costings and advice on all aspects of archiving and takes ownership of project archiving work, its budget and resource
utilisation, ensuring it runs on track. She is also responsible for Headland’s archive stores and ensures they remain safe, secure and within correct environmental parameters. She engages with specialists over selection strategies, with landowners over Transfer of Title and with receiving repositories over specification and deposition. She has implemented new systems to monitor archiving work and finances, ToT and burial licences.
She also developed a guidance manual and training matrix and is dedicated to helping staff develop their potential. She is pro-active about
improving quality and efficiency by engaging with project staff from the start of the project. She is committed to making archives more accessible to all and has a strong sense of responsibility regarding professional ethics and health & safety.